Blog: Practice Observation



Synthesis: Diario de Campos

            Throughout the observation I was able to analyse the different strategies that the tutor from the practice site used in each class. 

            The institution uses a Constructivism framework where the tutor seeks for the student to build a reflexive thought, likewise, it includes the social factor of the educational process, which is crucial to train future professionals with a social sense and comprehensive knowledge. 

            Also, because the institution is a military academy, students are instructed to adopt specific behaviour. The teacher used different methods to teach the students, for example textbooks based on the Communicative Approach. In addition, he uses different types of tools to carry out the class, such as video projectors, the Internet, where she searches for websites that offer various exercises where grammar and the communicative factor are involved.

Population Observed

            Thanks to my observation I can recognize that, within the class, there can be various types of students, so it is necessary to apply different methods to teach the contents.

             I observed students from 11 to 15 years old. Despite the fact that disciplinary problems are presented during the class, the students show great cognitive abilities, since they are capable of developing the proposed tasks. In addition, it is important to include the affective domain in the curriculum, since many students deal with social issues that must be studied to avoid failure and desertion. 

"Plan de Trabajo" Schedule

Photography Evidence

            Through participant-observation I made support material for the teacher. In these images we can see the flashcards used in the Eighth and Ninth grades. The topics studied are Conjunction of Cause and Effect (8th) and Modal Verbs (9th).


Remarkable Moments

            During my participation and observation in the practice site I was able to witness how the methods are put into practice, I was also able to be part of the process, since the supervising teacher gave me many opportunities to interact with the students, allowing me to analyse, evaluate and identify strategies to capture attention and recognize the importance of having a specific method that enables the teaching and acquisition of the language.


            Pedagogical practice is an important part of the training of future teachers, since, through this space, they can interact with their future workspace, allowing them to analyse and evaluate which methods can be useful in a given situation that occurs in the classroom, which could interfere with teaching.

            Applying the right pair of teaching method could facilitate learning. From my point of view, tutors, given the context and situation that may arise in the classroom, must implement a mixture of methods, since the existing methods do not cover all the teaching and learning problems that a tutor and a student may have.

            Teachers must take into account the affective domain, since most of the educational materials only consider the cognitive domain when they are elaborated. Emotions play an important role in the learning process, with motivation being a crucial factor in student success.

Methods of Teaching

            Most of the methods I like belong to the Communicative Approach.

            The Task-Based Method is an approach where students, through the development of tasks, will be able to build meaningful learning. This is an interesting method, since as a teacher I can design the curriculum that integrates other learning methodologies. Furthermore, this approach focuses on the integration of speaking tasks, being the least promoted language skill in the English class.

            The Communicative Learning Approach focuses on the communicative meaning of the language; therefore, it is a response to the Translation Method. This approach favours group work, since the best way to learn another language is putting it into practice in conversational situations. This approach teaches language forms such as grammar inductively. In this approach, fluency is mandatory.