
Blog: Practice Observation

E-Portafolio: Link: https://unadvirtualedu-my.sharepoint.com/personal/juan_mideros_unad_edu_co/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fjuan%5Fmideros%5Funad%5Fedu%5Fco%2FDocuments%2FMETHODOLOGY%20IN%20FLT%2FE%2DPORTFOLIOS%2FJAIDER%20GUEVARA&ct=1681415968309&or=Teams%2DHL&ga=1 Synthesis: Diario de Campos             Throughout the observation I was able to analyse the different strategies that the tutor from the practice site used in each class.              The institution uses a Constructivism framework where the tutor seeks for the student to build a reflexive thought, likewise, it includes the social factor of the educational process, which is crucial to train future professionals with a social sense and comprehensive knowledge.              Also, because the institution is a military academy, students are instructed to adopt specific behaviour. The teacher used dif...